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November 16, 2017
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4 Different Perspectives Extended Through November 18

Sharing the unique creative viewpoints of four artists, the exhibit 4 Different Perspectives has been extended through November 18.

The artists Mike Coltman, Joan Gerigk, Bob Scudder and Ron Theisen are connected through their work and involvement with Crooked Tree Arts Center in Petoskey. Their artworks celebrate our northern seasons and scenery, through varied topics, techniques and treatment depicting people, places and things.

Bob Streit, gallery owner, says, “Never before seen in the Twisted Fish Gallery, these artists present an opportunity to enjoy different perspectives to the wonder around us. We look for new and different views of our magnificent north region for inspiration and peace of mind.”

Mike Coltman enjoys capturing the moment and mood with vibrant colors, intense lights and warm darks. Joan Gerigk focuses on emotionally-driven art of people, objects and architecture. Her philosophy is that a painting is as much about the feeling it creates as the subject it represents.

For Bob Scudder, his oil on canvas paintings are referenced from photographs or drawings. Ron Theisen depicts the varied terrain of dunes, beaches and stunning landscapes and loves our northern Michigan terrain.

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