Lindy Bishop

Lindy Bishop

My paintings are about celebrating the land and water, what it grows and how it feeds us. Sometimes that takes me into subjects of music, local brews, and normal people doing extraordinary things because they are here in northern Michigan – and it feeds them.

I often include bees in my subjects as a symbol of vitality. I believe my role as an artist in rural America is to cross-pollinate with the bounty of the area, history, indigenous materials and subjects, other cultures, community, other arts and artists, youth, technology, and the land.

My aim is to inject a distinctive, engaging energy in my work. I’m inspired by artists Wayne Thiebaud and David Hockney who anchor me. I don’t think art has to be happy to be good, but I want mine to be both.

Showing all 11 results

  • Early One Evening by Lindy Bishop


    A colorful end to a beautiful day…

  • Moon City by Lindy Bishop


    One of a series of moonlight paintings…

  • Moon Cloud by Lindy Bishop


    The glow of the moonlight through clouds…

  • Open to the Public by Lindy Bishop


    The joy of the spring orchards…

  • Orchard in Moonlight by Lindy Bishop


    The glow of moonlight among the blossoms…

  • Sleeping Bear Point by Lindy Bishop


    Feel the expanse around you…

  • Spending Time With You by Lindy Bishop


    Nothing better than sharing a sunset…

  • Still Out There Running by Lindy Bishop


    Taking to the road…

  • Summer’s End by Lindy Bishop


    The colorful fields at the end of the season…

  • Sunflowers at Woodstock by Lindy Bishop


    A splash of color…

  • Young Tarts by Lindy Bishop


    Playful as always…