Alan Maciag

Alan Maciag

Alan Maciag paints with oils; his rural landscapes are a balance between form, distance, color and content. This balance creates a sense of calm and bucolic reverence for the rural heritage of Michigan. One is invited to simply “step in” for a moment and be surrounded by the spirit created on the canvas.

Showing 1–12 of 32 results

  • A Grey Day by Alan Maciag


    Up north, meditatively looking through the woods…

  • Afternoon Light by Alan Maciag


    The warm glow at the end of the day…

  • Backlit Oak by Alan Maciag


    The feel of standing in the woods…

  • Baker’s Dozen by Alan Maciag


    Feeding time…

  • Barn Flowers by Alan Maciag


    Barn and flowers engage the viewer…

  • Blooming Crown Imperials by Alan Maciag


    What an exuberant splash of color…

  • Breezy Monday by Alan Maciag


    Fresh laundry in the morning breezes…

  • Curves Ahead by Alan Maciag


    A study of light and shadow…

  • Ella by Alan Maciag


    Alan always has a way of painting cows…

  • Fireplug #50 by Alan Maciag


    A simple point of interest draws the eye…

  • First Bales by Alan Maciag


    One can almost smell the freshly cut fields…

  • First Sunflower Bloom by Alan Maciag


    Capturing the sun shining forth…

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