
Showing 73–84 of 143 results

  • Nest Series #79 by Debra LaRocque


    Both super realistic and abstract…

  • On The Bay by Lori Feldpausch


    A good day for resting…

  • One Fine Day by Steve Griggs


    An Urban stroll…

  • Passage 45 by Ron Gianola


    A musical composition using improve over a structure…

  • Peaceful Woods by Susan Bloye


    Serenity is here…

  • Perched by Louise Pond


    Majestically scanning the landscape…

  • Perfect Journey by Ginnie Cappaert


    Such soothing colors…

  • Pictured Rocks-Lake Superior by Louise Pond


    Another in her series of famous rock formations in Michigan…

  • Play Along by Chris Trombley


    Can you hear the music…

  • Rain Garden by Ann Robinson


    Dancing foliage with the flow of watercolor…

  • Rapunzel by Mara Manning


    Through the layering of paint and cold wax an image emerges…

  • Red House by William Sievert


    We pause to question, what stories does this house hold?

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